Know who and what encountered a contagion, for how long, and in which locations with RTLS Technology

Limit the spread of infectious disease, enhance safety and improve workflow with automated contact tracing

Quickly identifying equipment and individuals in close contact with communicable diseases allows healthcare facilities to effectively contain the spread of infection without shutting down entire buildings or floors.

Healhcare IoT RFID 1000 1100 n 009
HealthCare with RFID 1000 x 700 v966 016

Eliminate the guesswork related to manual contact tracing

Exposure rates increase exponentially while staff spend precious time conducting interviews or reviewing manual logs. Self-reported data that relies on memory are also typically error-prone and cannot adequately document all recent interactions.

Create and review a contagion report within seconds

Conduct more informed risk assessments and implement the appropriate testing and quarantine protocols that won’t significantly impact resource availability or patient care. Isolating equipment used on infected individuals and knowing which rooms are contaminated enables targeted cleaning procedures that limit infection spread.

HealthCare with RFID 1000 x 700 v966 013
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